Employment Separation

Employment separation occurs when the employment contract or at-will agreement between an employee and his or her company comes to an end. Some separations will be forced by an employer, including getting fired or laid off. Other separations, like retirement or resignation, will be voluntary.
When employers decide to terminate a job, they’ll want the employee to release the company from any binding claims. To do this, most companies use an employment separation agreement. It’s a way of saying both parties have reached an amicable end to the working relationship.
It's easy to say that a separation of employment means that a person is no longer working for an employer, it can be difficult to understand why the working relationship ceased.

There are 9 types of Separation regarding law.

These are :
1. Resignation. : Section 27
2. Dismissal. : Section 20(1)
3. Removal : Section 23(2)
4. Termination. : Section 26
5. Discharge. : Section 22
6. Death : Section 19
7. Retirement : Section 28
8. Long Absence : Section 27(3)
9. Retrenchment : Section 20

We can divided the Separation in 4 basic segment. These likely:

# Termination / Fired :
Due to poor performance or violation of company policy employer can terminate an employee. The main reasons of Termination are-
* misconduct
* ethics violation
* failure to follow company rules
* breach of the contract
* theft
* falsifying documents
* violence
* harassment

# Layoff :
Being laid off refers to a separation in which the employer has let an employee go because their services are no longer needed. Lay off occur when employer experience a reduced volume of business or funding, or when a reorganization occurs that renders a job unnecessary.
Main reasons of Lay-off are-

* economic change
* financial decisions
* restructuring
* redundancy
* attrition

# Resignation:
Resignation is the process of stepping down from a job, either voluntarily or involuntarily, with the latter often resulting from less-than-pleasant scenarios. It is a formal statement issued by someone who is giving up his or her office or position.
Usually resignation is a decision when an employee decide to leave a job of their own accord. But in the forced resignation employer has offered an employee an ultimatum likely - either resigned or be fired.

# Retirement:
Retirement is the withdrawal from one's position or occupation or from one's active working life. When an employee met the age and tenure stipulations laid out by employers may retired.
There are 2 types of Retirement. These are :

Mandatory Retirement :
Where workers are deemed a risk to the public or themselves as they experience dismissed capacities after a specific age.

Phased Retirement :
When older employees are allowed to steadily reduce their work hours over time, often months in advance of their official retirement date.

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