♦  (YOUR COMPANY NAME). is an equal opportunity employer and believes in equal opportunity for all based on merit and ability to carry out the given responsibilities. It believes in equal pay for similar jobs and provision of equal opportunity to all employees to enable them to grow with the Company.
(YOUR COMPANY NAME). does not discriminate against anyone when hiring, promoting, pay, selecting people for training, at the time of termination of employment or retirement on the basis of religion, race, national origin, disability, gender, any association or political affiliation.
 (YOUR COMPANY NAME). does not carry out any mandatory pregnancy test at the time of hiring of any lady worker.
Equal Opportunity Employer
     Equal employment opportunity applies to all aspects of employment practices including, recruiting, hiring, placement, promotion, demotion, transfer, training, compensation, benefits and termination. Company ensures that all the employees whether employed directly or indirectly are employed merely on the basis of merit and no discrimination is made on the basis of race, religion and gender.
     Company ensures that to the extent possible any vacant position is advertised either through newspaper or any other appropriate means.
     In  cases  where  any  female  seeks  employment,  Company  ensures  that  she  is  not  discouraged  for employment due to fear of maternity leave or any other reason.
     It is also ensured that female employees are not made to go through pregnancy testing.
     In cases where the potential candidate is disable but his/ her disability can not affect the nature of job for which he/she is seeking employment, the company does not discourages these employees and provide them equal opportunity to seek employment on merit.

    Company ensures that in cases, where for the same type of job, male and female employees both are employed, they are hired on equal salary structure and company benefits and no discrimination is done.
Reporting on Discriminatory Behavior
    In  cases  where  an  employee  feels  that  he/she  is  treated  with  discriminatory  behavior,  he/she  is encouraged to report such events to the Company.
    Employee can raise the issue either through CR or through suggestion boxes.
    Company investigates the event or the employee complaint.
    Where  it  is  found  that  a  severe  incident  of  discrimination  has  taken  place,  Company  records  his observations and forward to Managing Director who decides due action.
    Based on the objective evidences available and from the feedback of other workers as well as on the past discriminatory behavior, Factory Manager may decide the following.
    Terminate the worker
    Demote him / her
    Retain him / her with last warning
    Results of investigation and actions decided will be filed in the personal file of particular employee.
    Suggestion box is placed in the facility, if any employee wants to report any incident he / she can use the facility without mentioning his / her identity, the matter will be investigated and resolved by the Company, after discussing the complaint with Factory Manager
      A grievance is a complaint, dispute or employee’s expressed feeling of dissatisfaction with aspects of the employee’s working conditions and working relationships that are outside the employee’s control. The term grievance covers such matters as working conditions and environment; relationships with in- charges, supervisors, other employees and/or officials; any disciplinary action; or termination. Matters excluded from consideration under these procedures are compensation for injury appeals; appeals from decisions that have been made pursuant to the grievance procedure; and dissatisfaction with reductions in the work force.
    The purpose of the employee grievance procedure is to provide a means for employees to resolve their work place concerns with management. This procedure represents intent to offer a dispute resolution mechanism to the employees of (YOUR COMPANY NAME). Any regular employee of (YOUR COMPANY NAME). may file a grievance under this section. Temporary employees or employees still in their training period do not have the right to appeal a grievance to the executives; otherwise their grievances follow the same procedure as regular employees. Failure by (YOUR COMPANY NAME). to exactly follow this procedure will not subject (YOUR COMPANY NAME). to a breach of contract claim.
STEP 1: Any employee who is eligible may present a grievance to the employee’s immediate In-charge / supervisor and a copy to Employee Representative for discussion. The In-charge/supervisor will have 10 regular working days in which to respond to the relief requested.

STEP 2: Should the In-charge/supervisor fail to respond within the 10-day time limit or if the employee finds the response unsatisfactory, the employee may present a written appeal to the Manager Admin, clearly specifying the grievance and the relief requested. The Head of Admin should respond in writing within 10 days of receipt.
    Factory Manager & CR are responsible for:
o Proper communication of company’s policy on discrimination.

o Organizing meetings and training programs to ensure that the policy is properly communicated and understood, the minutes of the meeting are then recorded and circulated to all the participants as per distribution record list.

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