♦  (YOUR COMPANY NAME). utilizes all available resources to provide a Healthy and Safe working environment for all its workers and to eliminate all potential hazards that are capable of causing work related accidents.
♦  (YOUR COMPANY NAME). through a systemized mechanism detects potential risk and hazards associated with the job or present in the work environment which could cause harm / injury to the workers.
 (YOUR COMPANY NAME)  provides  all  necessary  personal  protective  equipments  and implements controls to ensure the safety of the workers and their health.
     To assist in providing a healthy and safe work environment for employees, customers, and visitors, which is a top priority for (YOUR COMPANY NAME).
     Health & Safety (H&S) Committee is formed to induce workers to take active part in the work place safety programs.
     The minutes of the H&S Committee are to be recorded and distributed among the members as well as posted in the notice board.
     Company makes sure that fire extinguishers are all available and all the employees are well trained to use these.
     Company keeps Fire-Extinguishers Location list in a file, which contains location, identification number of fire extinguisher, refilling date and expiry date. This list is frequently updated as any fire extinguisher is removed from the dedicated location either for refilling or due to any other reason.
     Regular Fire drills and trainings are conducted, involving every department on quarterly basis.
     CR will ensure that all workers are provided with Personal Protective Equipments, where necessary and provided basic training for usage of such equipments.

    CR ensures through maintenance staff that needle guards, eye guards, pulley guards are properly installed on all the machines.
    First Aid box is provided to workers; in case of any injury First Aid is provided to employees by trained First Aiders.  Medical  center  has  set  in  the  factory  premises  and  adequate  Doctor  &  Nurses  have  been appointed for treatment.
    (YOUR COMPANY NAME). has all permanent employees completely insured as required under local laws.
    (YOUR COMPANY NAME). has appointed professional trainer to provide Fire Fighting training and registered Doctor for First Aid training.
    Each employee is expected to obey safety rules and to exercise caution in all work activities.
    Employees must immediately report any unsafe condition to the supervisor. Employees who violate safety standards, who cause hazardous or dangerous situations, or who fail to report or, where appropriate, remedy such situations, may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
It is defined as “Sudden happening demanding immediate action / response”. For our company, some of the emergency conditions may be due to the following.
    Fire / Smoke.
    Bomb Blast / Threat of Bomb Blast.
    accidental release / discharge of environmentally dangerous material
    Industrial accident
    All natural calamities as Earthquake, Strong winds etc.
In case of emergency or sign of the above-mentioned conditions, the response of the factory personnel should be as per the following procedures.
A person who first detects any of the above mentioned conditions of emergency or any other “unusual” conditions which can be assessed as the reason for emergency condition, first informs the area supervisor, informs the security guard, inform the emergency alarm responsible person to be ready for supervisor instruction.

On information from the person or worker, supervisor shall inform the Factory Manager, Head of Admin, Security In charge, Instruct and ensure that alarm goes on. Ensure everyone of his area proceed to the designated emergency assembly points.
On information from the supervisor, factory manager, head of admin inform the Head of Emergency Team, inform Fire brigade, assess the situation for the scope of emergency, Coordinate between the supervisors for everyone in the factory to be gathered at the emergency assembly points. The Admin Officer takes roll call as per the attendance on that day.
On information from the factory manager, head of admin or as the alarm goes on, the head of emergency team shall respond as per the emergency along with his team.
The Head of Emergency has a dedicated extension known to everyone in the factory.
All the personnel are trained, instructed and provided with instructions that on hearing the alarm, they should immediately leave their work, switch off the machine ( if working on a machine ) and gather at the designated emergency assembly point.
All the departments are provided with respective evacuation plans. Emergency exits and paths to them are elaborately marked on the evacuation plans.
Industrial accident
    In case of any accident, the discoverer informs the area supervisor immediately.
    Supervisor access the situation
    Casualty is protected from the dangerous and shifted to a safe place.
    Supervisor informs the ERT. If the accident is major one, supervisor instruct and insure that the emergency alarm goes on.
    First Aid provided to the casualty.
    If required the team leader arranges for external medical treatment.
    Portable and fixed fire protection equipments are provided for entire factory areas. It consists of fire extinguishers and fire buckets, which are available for use before the ERT arrives (provided the associate has been trained in fire fighting operation).
    The ERT is responsible for monthly inspection, maintenance and required record- keeping of all portable fire extinguishers and fire trolleys. Any used or damaged extinguisher or trolleys should be reported to the ERT Leader.

Fire Extinguishers (Portable)
Properly marked 5 kg dry powder fire extinguishers are provided in ample quantity for all the production areas and also provided 50 kg dry powder fire extinguisher where necessary. CO2, Foam & water type fire extinguishers also provided where necessary.
Fire Buckets
Properly marked fire buckets are provided to all the main production areas.
Emergency Light
The Safety & Health rule requires emergency lighting within facilities at the following areas:
ƒ    Emergency lighting is installed in areas where exits would be hazardous during a power failure such as stairs and main departments, shop floor & toilets.
Exit Signs
Exit Signs are provided in specific locations in building to designate the means of exits from the building.
1.         Must  be  installed  at  all  required  exit  doorways  and  where  necessary  to  indicate  clearly  the direction of exits.
2.          Must be illuminated and also in local language.
    Factory Manager & CR are responsible for:
o Providing healthy and safe work environment to the workers.
o Detecting potential risks and hazards associated with the job or present in the work environment which could cause harm / injury to the workers.
o Proper communication of company’s policy on Health and Safety.

o Organizing meetings and training programs to ensure that the policy is properly communicated and understood, the minutes of the meeting are then recorded and circulated to all the participants as per distribution record list.

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