GPQ Job Responsibilities in Apparel Industry

GPQ in Garments: GPQ stand for ‘guideline for production and quality’, work to implement buyer quality requirement in the garments factory.  Generally, GPQ works as a helping hand of buyer QC (Quality Control) in garments from the factory end. To get the best quality product and to confirm availability of buyer final audit requirement for a smooth final inspection. A garments factory should maintain buyer wise GPQ separately if they have many buyers. Complete buyer quality procedure in garments manufacturing is GPQ job responsibility. So the importance is given because of the extent of GPQ Job Responsibilities in Apparel Industry.
GPQ Job Responsibilities in Apparel Industry

Job Description of Garments GPQ

  1. Arrange PP meeting with buyer QC and do the necessary task of PP meeting.
  2. Follow up buyer quality requirement in cutting, sewing, and finishing of garments.
  3. Follow up buyer sample requirement, ensure sample quality and deliver in the right time to the buyer.
  4. Especially check all quality points in sewing and finishing of garments.
  5. Doing section wise quality inspection to keep garments defect in the control.
  6. Deliver any quality controlling message of buyer end to the related section.
  7. Ensure end product quality before buyer final quality inspection.
  8. Arrange final inspection with all requirement of the buyer.
  9. Ensure everything of QC file and sample in bulk garments.
  10. Taking sample approval from buying house.
  11. Work with the buyer in QC at the time of final inspection.
  12. Contact with buyer QC about any quality issue.
  13. GPQ implement of his buyer quality manual in the factory quality management system.
  14. Work as a buyer QC representative in the garments factory.

GPQ Job in Garments

Generally, GPQ work under these designations and this can vary factory by factory. Most factories have a post available for GPQ job. Job title of GPQ can be:
  1. GPQ
  2. Senior GPQ
  3. GPQ In-charge
  4. GPQ officer
  5. Executive GPQ
  6. Executive-GPQ
  7. Assistant GPQ manager
  8. GPQ Manager
Written by
A.M. Amirul Islam (Washim)
Linkedin: A.M. Amirul Islam

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