1. Facility
has adopted policy and procedure to protect discrimination but didn’t
identify most Common areas / forms of discrimination as per amfori BSCI
You have to
identify common areas of discrimination at your factory. Example:
Gender, Age, Religion, Colour etc. By describing all the areas which can
be common at your factory make a document.
2. The facility has
policy and procedure to avoid discrimination and communicated this
policy to workers but no proper grievance satisfaction surveys were not
conducted for all potential area. As per amfori BSCI COC.
You have to
survey in the area of the grievance after one month of solving the
grievance. This is a regular practice to make sure the grievance is
solved correctly and not happening again and workers are satisfied.
3. The facility has
conducted several surveys for defining workers family basket but still
they did not define their food basket considering the daily nutrition
requirements hence they did not define living wage for the region they
are operating. As per amfori BSCI
This finding is not easy to solve and still going to stay. For this
findings BSCI audit does not cut any number. But you can include a Food
Cost section in your surveying format.