Compliance and Audit

Compliance is an affirmative indication or judgment that the supplier of product or service has met the requirements of the relevant specifications, contract, or regulation, also meeting the requirements. On the other hand, in ISO terms, ‘Compliance to regulations, compare with conformance’. So, enterprises/facilities/industries of all sizes can ensure supplier, operational and regulatory compliance to down risk, increase opportunity and realize the full potential of agreements, transactions and contracts. Three criteria are essential in compliance: -
@  Effective Corporate Controls
 @ Transparent Processes and Efficient Audits
@ Timely Disclosures
An audit is a systematic and independent examination to determine whether Standard compliance activities and related results comply with planned arrangements and whether these arrangements are implemented effectively and are suitable to achieve objectives.
      The above definition has some important characteristics of an audits. The following characteristics will be built into a social compliance/COC audits to maximize audit credibility and effectively:
1.    Planned: Audits must be planned in accordance to a defined objective. To be effective, auditors should prepare for an audit by considering questions such as:
Ø  What is the purpose of this audit?
 -Define what needs to be accomplished.
Ø What is the scope of this audit?
 -Define what/who will be audited
Ø Who will perform the audit?
-Define which person(s) will carry out activities
Ø When will the audit be performed?
 -Define the day(s) and time(s) for the audit
Ø What information sources will be utilized?                                            -Define a strategy for investigation by identifying
Ø what information is available/appropriate for review.
2. Independent: Audits must be performed by persons who are independent of the functions audited in order to eliminate potential bias.
3. Management Co-operation: The success of any audit program depends on the support of management  
4.Compliance Orientation: Social compliance/COC audits is to a specific standards are conducted which the auditors look for compliance to the requirements set forth by the standards. This means that Social compliance/COC audits will review documentation for intent to comply with the applicable standard, as well as records and processes to determine implementation of the document system and how effective the Social compliance/COC is working at the facility.

Necessity of Audit
@ Identification of opportunities for improvement.
@ Implementation status check.
@ Effectiveness check.
@ Improve communications and motivation.
@ To check level of standard with any brands,ILO,SA8000,WRAP etc
@ To ensure customer requirements
@ To ensure local labour law at the workplace
@ Enhance management and workers communication
@  and to enhance profit through productivity increase
Factory Management’s Role in Audit
Management has an active role in both an internal & external audit program, and is charged with the responsibility of:
        Initiation of the audit program: The audit program must be initiated and supported by management .
        Assurance of auditor independence: Provisions must be made to ensure that auditors have no responsibilities in the areas audited so as to eliminate the possibility of any bias with respect to audit findings.
        Provide resources: Managers must ensure that there are an adequate number of available auditees to administer the audit program,with available documents and that employees are made available during audits.
       Assure corrective action: Managers must consider and take actions necessary when the results of an audit show that corrective action is required.
Concept of Social Compliance /CoC Audit
A social compliance /COC audit is a systematic and independent external assessment administered by a trained social/COC auditor or certified Lead Auditor of SA 8000/WRAP/ISO against a specific standard (for example SA8000,BSCI and WRAP) etc. to determine whether an entity is meeting those standards and complying with established policies, operating procedures and national and local laws, ILO Conventions and international best practices .
So, in any Social Compliance/COC audit five criteria are essential. These are as follows-
F A proper system ( ISO 9001:2000/8)
F  An independent external assessment ( any 3rd party or individual)
F  Trained social/COC auditor or certified SA 8000/WRAP/ISO Lead Auditor
F  Specific Standard (any brands COC, SA 8000/WRAP/FLA)
F      and a Facility
Role of a Social Compliance/COC Auditor
        An assurance of engagement
        Reliability of the information contained in the report
        Perform only customer requirements not other tasks e.g. CSR
        Gather evidence for all significant assertions in the report
        Assess the report’s conformance to particular standards
        Know the specific references –
                   -Labour Code’2006
                   -The Factories Act 1965
                   -The Factories Rules 1979
                   -Industrial Relations 1969
                   -The Environmental Act 1995
                   - The Environmental Rules 1997
                   -Bangladesh National Building Code 2006
                   -Maternity Benefit Act 1953 &1959
                   -BEPZA Instruction
- International Standard like-WRAP,SA 8000,  ISO,OHSAS18001
                   -International Codes of Conduct like-BSCI,FLA,ETI
                   -Brand Buyers Code of Conduct
Types of Audit
1.   1st Party Audit: This is the technical term used when conformity audit/assessment to a standard, specification or regulation is carried out by the supplier organization itself. In other words, it is a self-audit/assessment. In a word it is called “In house-internal”
2.   2nd Party Audit: This indicates that the conformity audit/assessment is carried out by a customer of the supplier organization. An audit driven by a customer with the primary goal of satisfying itself that a supplier is in compliance with a. “Out house-customer”
3.   3rd Party Audit: The conformity audit/assessment is performed by a body that is independent of both supplier and customer organization. An external audit that is conducted by an independent organization upon another organization. Powerhouse-registrar/certification
4.   Internal and External Audit: Internal audits are audits that are carried out by an organization on itself to confirm to management that the compliance implementation system is in good working order. external audits: 2nd party and 3rd party
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2nd Party Audit given standard

1st Party Audit

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